Why are you running in support of Legacy of Hope?
In the work that I do as a palliative care social worker, I witness how cancer impacts people in so many ways – physically, emotionally, socially, and financially. Legacy of Hope helps people with cancer not worry about losing their home or their next meal – they show up for others. I run because I can and have the physical ability and resources to do so – it’s my turn to show up and support this incredible organization.
How long have you been running?
As long as I can remember. I started running when I was a kid with my dad. Throughout the years, I continued to run and ran my first marathon in 2004.
What advice would you give to someone running a half marathon for the first time?
Remember why you signed up in the first place – maybe it was a personal accomplishment or to raise money for charity. Whatever the reason, when it starts getting hard (and it will) – keep this in mind. Embrace your inner spirit because crossing that finish line is a feeling many people will never experience.
What motivates you to keep going in a race, or life, when things become difficult?
I always run for somebody who motivates me to not quit. If I’m running for someone who has passed, I ask for the family’s blessing and then run knowing I can’t let the family down. Many times the family comes to the event to support me and it’s meaningful to them to have me race to honor their loved ones who’ve died.
What is something interesting that others may not know about you?
I’ve been on my own from the early age of 14 years and once was homeless for over a year and
a half living in the streets, my car, abandoned buildings, workplace, and train stations just to name a few.
I’m self-educated, received a GED, and started my own business in 2004 which is still open
today, though now owned by my younger brother who I passed it down to. I’m big into MMA and
hold belts/certifications in BJJ, Boxing, Muay Thai, Sombo, and self-defense.
What kind of work do you do?
I am a Guardian for the people of this city, Philadelphia. (Police Officer)
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I live by many quotes and the following are two of my favorites. “To make history, you first have to make a difference”. I’m not trying to make history but I’m definitely trying to make a difference. The second quote is “We have to be the change if we want to make change”.